18 ago. 2023 16:45
England (1977), BA (Hons) in European Politics and French from the University of Derby (2001). Before coming to Spain, Jennie worked for the late Phillip Whitehead MEP in the UK and Brussels, Arts Council England as a Local Government Liaison Officer and for the DCLG (Dept. for Communities and Local Government) as a project manager. She has been in Spain since 2009 where she combines journalism with her work as a qualified English teacher and examiner. She has been with SUR in English since May 2015 and in January 2016 she became the correspondent for the Axarquía region.
Últimas publicaciones
18 ago. 2023 16:45
18 ago. 2023 16:39
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15 ago. 2023 11:12
12 ago. 2023 08:46
11 ago. 2023 19:55
11 ago. 2023 19:10
07 ago. 2023 19:20
04 ago. 2023 16:08
Even for the very brave - and those who believe the experts rather than the alternative theory - who choose to swim regardless of the flotsam and jetsam, there are no beach showers to wash it off afterwards
04 ago. 2023 16:03
01 ago. 2023 08:22
28 jul. 2023 18:15
28 jul. 2023 18:11
One wonders whether, had the film come out a week or two earlier, this pink wave rolling into cinemas across the nation could have had a greater influence on voters and the results of the election might have been more conclusive
27 jul. 2023 07:54
25 jul. 2023 16:26
Drought crisis
Eugenio Cabezas / Jennie Rhodes | Vélez-Málaga
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